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Aircraft disconnected (except it's not)


Oct 24, 2022
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Hello everyone,

Ever since I started using my Nano+, I keep getting "aircraft disconnected" error on the app (iPhone 14 pro, latest app, iOS and firmware versions). The thing is, the aircraft is not actually disconnected. I can still control it just fine. When I close and re-launch the app, it's instantly connected (I guess because the connection has never closed in the first place). It's very, very annoying though, makes the drone almost unusable.

Any advices?
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Reactions: Randy_SC
prob a good thing when you can still control your drone when it gets "disconnected." how far away is your drone when this usually happens?
It doesn't depend on distance. It usually happens first when the drone takes off, then randomly at any distance. Yesterday it happened even after the drone has landed and I was in the process of transferring the photos.
Try to put your phone in flight mode. Maybe your phone is sending in the background what is interfering with the controller?
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If the app is losing connection but the controller is still connected.... Try scraping the packed-in pocket lint from the port cavity in the phone.
+1 for checking for pocket lint in the USB C port. That definitely got me one time!
I have the same problem, I found turning off bluetooth and wifi on the phone I use made the issue go away. If I leave bluetooth or wifi on it will disconnect within the first 3 minutes then be fine when it connects again.

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