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Charge remote while flying ?


Oct 22, 2020
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Is it possible to charge the remote while you are flying.
I would think no, since through that port is where the video feed is sent to your phone.
I use the USB-A socket to connect to my tablet, leaving the Micro-USB socket empty.

Never tried plugging a charger in at the same time, but I see no reason why it wouldn't work ?‍♂️
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Yes, in fact it is mentioned somewhere by Autel about carrying a backup power pack just for this, you have two ports, A and B type USB...
I'd like not to just charge the controller, but the tablet as well. It's an Android tripletek tablet. It needs a C type, and the controller could use whatever. I know Autel uses a cable that has the pins for communication. I dont know if this is unique to Autel or if the pinout is just using another pin that a normal Charge cable does not have. Thoughts? I mean plugging into the other connection on thje bottom of thje autel controller could work, but I think I would need to get the DC in plug on the triple tec soldered in. Seems like if Autel just made a Y chord all ready to go that would be for the win...?
Very simple to charge your phone / tablet / 2nd display used for video. I use a samsung Note 8 (as it has one of the brightest NIT screens of any device for the money) and when I plug it in to the autel controller to fly, it begins charging. Actually I don't know how to disable this, so it should be very easy for you to charge your phone/tablet screen when flying.

If your tablet isn't charging, perhaps it needs higher voltage than a standard phone and can't charge off the remote control (for safety reasons it makes sense not to discharge the controller battery when flying so perhaps the current is limited ).

I know my ipad won't charge off AC power with standard USB-C charger, only the apple provided one works so I assume it's an issue related with higher current needed by tablets.
Its not so simple after talking to Autel on this. I tried very hard to explain and they where like...uh goto Amazon. Its simple yes to plug into the other connection on the controller for the Autel, but how do you do it with only one connection to a trippletek, or other that requires communication to the tablet and the controller and you only have one connection on your tablet? Splitters are wired for charging from what I understand and hubs might be the answer, but no one has said thats the answer.

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