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Evo Max 4T battery hotswap?!?


Active Member
Jun 12, 2023
Reaction score
Dunlap, Illinois
What am I missing with the battery hotswap? Firmware claims to be the latest...I tried with both batteries off as the instructions say to install batteries THEN turn it on...no go and waited for reconnect.
There is no hot-swap it seems - as no one has been able to demonstrate this to be working.
If drone development is like computer software, they get to an 85% solution, send it to market, and fix the bugs as consumers complain.

This is why I’m not a fan of being the firstest with the newest.

I hope this works out for you. I wish I could provide more but I don’t have this drone.
What am I missing with the battery hotswap? Firmware claims to be the latest...I tried with both batteries off as the instructions say to install batteries THEN turn it on...no go and waited for reconnect.
My swap does not work either. I guess it will be in an update. Actually, this drone is not ready as advertised yet. So we are trying to await patiently.
What am I missing with the battery hotswap? Firmware claims to be the latest...I tried with both batteries off as the instructions say to install batteries THEN turn it on...no go and waited for reconnect.
Since they NEVER have finished the software for the Evo II v3 release (1.25 years), I would not be too optimistic re: when this will improve. They consistently release hardware and the software is not ready. Then they release something else, focus on that, and the current products are ignored/never finished. Apparently, a road map that provides direction for the developers and the products they support, does not exist All they create is marketing hype for features they plan to relesase "someday".
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Well latest firmware says hot swap super cap charge, hmmm maybe they forgot to put super cap in the aircraft, oh
Well I think my super cap is bad or they never put it in :) Who knows. maybe they start cutting back in hardware now days also as in software...

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