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Trying to understand filters and shutter speed


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2018
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I've spent a lot of time watching YouTube explanations of ND filters and I still don't get it.
I understand using long exposures for effects like smoothing water. But for general purpose aerial shots, why do you use a filter to reduce light, then lengthen shutter speed? Why not just use a fast shutter speed to reduce exposure?

People keep saying "for a more cinematic look" but I can't see any difference in their side-to-side videos with and without filters.

Can someone direct me to a resource that explains this topic?
I've spent a lot of time watching YouTube explanations of ND filters and I still don't get it.
I understand using long exposures for effects like smoothing water. But for general purpose aerial shots, why do you use a filter to reduce light, then lengthen shutter speed? Why not just use a fast shutter speed to reduce exposure?

People keep saying "for a more cinematic look" but I can't see any difference in their side-to-side videos with and without filters.

Can someone direct me to a resource that explains this topic?
The longer the shutter is opened, the more information is recorded into the photograph. If you didn't use any ND filters and you leave the shutter opened to long, then to much light would come into the photo and it would end over exposed and useless.

ND filters allow for less light to come into the shutter, allowing it to remain open for a longer period of time. Understanding which ND filter to use at any given time is the harder part.
Most drone videographers use nd filters for close up shots. Anytime there is movement from the subjects in the scene...the filter smooths the motion. Landscapes shots do not need nd filters...especially distant shots.

I watch Drone Film Guide on YouTube...his advice is pretty sound. One of his vids covers this subject...if I can find the video I'll post the link.
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Thanks for the replies. I actually watched the Drone Film Guide video last night and he summarized it perfectly by saying that filters allow you to set the proper shutter speed for the situation.
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