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X-Star WiFi

Joe Thompson

Nov 12, 2016
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I'm about ready to finally spring for an XStar and have a question for those of you who own the WiFi version. Are you satisfied with this version or do you wish you had gotten the Premium? Other than price, what do you feel is your major advantage of the less expensive version?

If you had your purchase to make again, would you buy the Premium?

Thanks! Just don't read much here about the WIFi version
I'm about ready to finally spring for an XStar and have a question for those of you who own the WiFi version. Are you satisfied with this version or do you wish you had gotten the Premium? Other than price, what do you feel is your major advantage of the less expensive version?

If you had your purchase to make again, would you buy the Premium?

Thanks! Just don't read much here about the WIFi version

I don't regret our purchase of the WiFi version since there haven't been many aerial business opportunities for us yet (fingers crossed for the spring). If business picks up we will consider buying a Premium and keeping the WiFi as a backup. That said if the fabled 1" sensor upgrade camera is ever released I may be more tempted to buy that instead of a Premium, since we never fly out of sight and the step up to 20MP 1" sensor would be huge.

I haven't been out far enough to lose signal yet but have gotten plenty of weak signal warnings. We don't fly beyond VLOS so I'm not super concerned about it either way but it would be nice to avoid those warnings and also not have to connect to the WiFi network which is just an additional step before each launch.

Literally the only advantage of the WiFi version is price, haha :) so if you're on a budget you could buy a new WiFi + two extra batteries, filters, whatever, for the same price as a new Premium. But the Premium comes with a case too so consider that if it's something you need. Also if you're patient you can find good deals on used Premiums with extras in the classifieds section.

EDIT: One thing I forgot to add is it is has been a PITA to get maps working right on the WiFi version. I have heard, and would assume, this process is much easier on the Premium since you can be connected to a cell network and the drone at the same time.
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I don't regret our purchase of the WiFi version since there haven't been many aerial business opportunities for us yet (fingers crossed for the spring). If business picks up we will consider buying a Premium and keeping the WiFi as a backup. That said if the fabled 1" sensor upgrade camera is ever released I may be more tempted to buy that instead of a Premium, since we never fly out of sight and the step up to 20MP 1" sensor would be huge.

I haven't been out far enough to lose signal yet but have gotten plenty of weak signal warnings. We don't fly beyond VLOS so I'm not super concerned about it either way but it would be nice to avoid those warnings and also not have to connect to the WiFi network which is just an additional step before each launch.

Literally the only advantage of the WiFi version is price, haha :) so if you're on a budget you could buy a new WiFi + two extra batteries, filters, whatever, for the same price as a new Premium. But the Premium comes with a case too so consider that if it's something you need. Also if you're patient you can find good deals on used Premiums with extras in the classifieds section.

EDIT: One thing I forgot to add is it is has been a PITA to get maps working right on the WiFi version. I have heard, and would assume, this process is much easier on the Premium since you can be connected to a cell network and the drone at the same time.

I have the Premium and can say getting maps to work on it is also a PITA. If one has Internet access on one's table used for the X-Star then maps should work fine. I do not have Internet access and do not use my cell phone as a hotspot but found a remedy for being able to update the maps on my Nexus tablet that I use for the X-Star: Free Wireless Internet & Phone Service. Cheap Internet Hotspots & Smart Phones - FreedomPop I can now keep this little Internet provider gadget, about the size of a thick credit card, with my aircraft and only turn it on to access the Internet and consequently then to update the Starlink apps for maps anywhere there is phone coverage, and after the initial purchase of 50 bucks or so and setup I get 500 megabytes free per month. I tested it out and it has a great signal for picking up the Internet and also providing a wifi for my Nexus tablet. There is no way I will ever use more than that if I only use the gadget for updating Starlink at each new location. I anticipate some new business activity soon as the weather is getting favorable along with new plant growth to make for beautiful backgrounds. At least I have some promotional work to plan for, and when I get my permanent card I plan to go advertise myself some. It's been about six weeks and really am looking forward to that beautiful FAA card!
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