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.Mov file won't play on computer


Well-Known Member
Nov 27, 2017
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Hey everyone!

I recently shot some footage for a friends wedding. One of the videos was a pretty cool clip of the wedding party standing under the prop wash enjoying the breeze. When I imported all the videos and pictures I took this one clip will not open at all in any program. The odd thing is that I can watch the video through the Starlink app. I shot it in 4k so I don't have the option of downloading it directly from the drone to my phone. Has anyone had this issue and been able to solve it?


Windows computers sometimes don't like the play .Mov files since they are basically Mac video files. You could try to install a set of free codecs or try VLC.
I have had a lot of luck with this player.
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Windows computers sometimes don't like the play .Mov files since they are basically Mac video files. You could try to install a set of free codecs or try VLC.
I have had a lot of luck with this player.
Home · MPC-HC
I’m using a Mac and tried VLC with no luck. It just shows up as an error in VLC
I wonder if it get corrupted somehow. Are you transferring the file to the hard drive? I have heard that some Macs don't like some SD cards.
I wonder if it get corrupted somehow. Are you transferring the file to the hard drive? I have heard that some Macs don't like some SD cards.
I hope not. I sent a message to Autel. Hopefully I’ll hear something soon from them
Have you anyone near that has a windows computer to see if it will play on that? That way you can narrow it down to something on your Mac
By some chance is the 'non-playing' video the last video you recorded? Is it possible you did not shut down the drone in proper order? If so, you may be able to put the SD card back into the drone, record something else and then try re dumping to your computer.
By some chance is the 'non-playing' video the last video you recorded? Is it possible you did not shut down the drone in proper order? If so, you may be able to put the SD card back into the drone, record something else and then try re dumping to your computer.
That’s possible. I’ll give that a try. Just out of curiousity what is the correct order for shut down? I usually shut down the drone first then the controller.
The battery in the drone must be turned off first... so you are right.
Philipans.. The .mov format was originally developed by Apple. Like everything Apple develops, .mov was proprietary. However, over time other people accepted and adopted the .mov format. Now, Windows 10 will also play a .mov file.
If you have a Mac computer and the .mov file won't play, then I would suggest that there be a problem with the SD card. Are you using an Apple or an Android device with your controller? Have you tried inserting the mini-SD card from the drone into the device that you are using for your controller monitor? Also, if you are inserting the mini-SD card into a computer, are you using a mini-SD to standard SD adapter? If so, that adapter could be bad and not making good contacts.
When you put the mini-SD in your computer, can you actually see the .mov file that was written? If not, I would again suspect the miniSD or the mini-standard adapter.
That’s possible. I’ll give that a try. Just out of curiousity what is the correct order for shut down? I usually shut down the drone first then the controller.

As mentioned if you forgot to stop the video before shutting down the Quad the video has not closed out yet so it will not play. Starting it back up and recording a short video and stopping it will close out any videos that have not been closed out yet.
I have had a similar issue when not stopping the recording before power down, as Augustine mentioned. I now double-check video is OFF before landing approach.
Just wondering if your machine plays other 4k vids or is it just one vid in question. I have 32gb of ram in a gaming machine and even that setup sometimes proves inadequate for 4k playback. Some folks have had good success with the Recuva utility for SD corruption but you'll have to use it on a windows machine.
As mentioned if you forgot to stop the video before shutting down the Quad the video has not closed out yet so it will not play. Starting it back up and recording a short video and stopping it will close out any videos that have not been closed out yet.
It’s happened to me a few times, I just never knew exactly why, ty! If the landing environment is difficult/windy, it’s easy to forget to turn-off the cam. After I corrupted a big file, I started to shut it down prior to landing, which did solve the problem...
So after talking to Autel over the phone, we determined the file was definitely corrupted and likely it was caused by turning off the drone prior to stopping the video. They told me that to try a recovery software. I found one Stellar Phoenix Video Repair and that worked like a charm! Cost me $80 but it worked. Thanks, everyone for the suggestions!
Did you try to start and stop a new video to make the corrupted one work first? I am very surprised Autel never suggested this as this is a very common problem and easily fixed with this method.
Glad you got it working, there are a few free apps that do the same thing. DJI has one just for this very reason. and its free.
Repairing Corrupt DJI Video Files
I have had this happen multiple times. I forget to stop the recording prior to shutting down the X-Star. When I go to play it on my Mac, Quicktime can't open it because the recording wasn't closed properly. As mentioned by Agustine above, I place the card back into the X-Star, turn it on and record another video. I stop the recording properly and the corrupted video will "sometimes" be able to be played. It's not a guarantee that this process will work.

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