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Beta Firmware Now Available


New Member
May 23, 2017
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Link below.

What’s New:
  1. Optimized flight control algorithm. Improved response speed. Shorter braking distance. Faster max descending speed.
  2. Fixed YAW issue. YAW sensitivity adjustment EXP is now available.
  3. Optimized compass algorithm. Fixed crash issue caused by magnetic interference/compass abnormal.
  4. The compass only needs one good calibration after update and no re-calibration needed (Compass calibration must be performed outdoor with strong GPS signals).
  5. Enabled outdoor Starpoint function. Soft landing will kick in while landing.
  6. No more IMU warm-up time.
  7. Auto-takeoff altitude changed to 1.5m.
  8. 99 waypoints.
  9. Digital zoom is available.
  10. Pause works in autonomous modes. Pressing the pause button again will resume the previous action.
  11. Motors won’t start in IOC mode.
  12. Improved battery self-discharging control based on temperature.
  13. Optimized power drop prevention for long-stored battery.
  14. Bug fixes.

Firmware Beta Program | Autel Robotics
Thanks DJz0d,
Some pretty impressive stuff on this list.
Well I received my X-Star today and will install this new firmware tonight and will try it tomorrow.
I am very glad of this update with many items of what long time users wanted and the adjustable yaw being what they wanted most for smooth video.
Good show Autel, you lived up to the hype.
Good Luck All

Last edited:
Thanks for the post. I hope you will report your findings so 'chickens' like me who will not use the update until it is final, can see the progress of the update.
Link below.

What’s New:
  1. Optimized flight control algorithm. Improved response speed. Shorter braking distance. Faster max descending speed.
  2. Fixed YAW issue. YAW sensitivity adjustment EXP is now available.
  3. Optimized compass algorithm. Fixed crash issue caused by magnetic interference/compass abnormal.
  4. The compass only needs one good calibration after update and no re-calibration needed (Compass calibration must be performed outdoor with strong GPS signals).
  5. Enabled outdoor Starpoint function. Soft landing will kick in while landing.
  6. No more IMU warm-up time.
  7. Auto-takeoff altitude changed to 1.5m.
  8. 99 waypoints.
  9. Digital zoom is available.
  10. Pause works in autonomous modes. Pressing the pause button again will resume the previous action.
  11. Motors won’t start in IOC mode.
  12. Improved battery self-discharging control based on temperature.
  13. Optimized power drop prevention for long-stored battery.
  14. Bug fixes.

Firmware Beta Program | Autel Robotics
Firmware Update was painless, test updates tomorrow.
Same here firmware update without a hitch and updated my two batteries as well, just make sure you watch the firmware vid for more than 1 battery update.
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ok one question from a newbie ; do I need to calibrate the remote controller as well ? if so how to do it ?
Ok gents and ladies So far I flew it and mind you it was my very first time without much experience and I have to say a resounding success, on my first landing I even caught it not allowing it to fall to its side on the grass. Hehe I loved every second of it and when you press take off it goes to 5 ft and hovers, I had it set on beginner but I went 100 ft high and maybe 300 ft away and pressed home and it came back and I paused it at 5 ft then hand catched it. I made a Video but don't know how to play it on Windows 10.
Hey Augustine did you try the last update?

Take care all and of course I'm going out again one more time :)
Normex, You certainly answered a question I had. On my first (and being replaced) XSP, a few times in beginners mode when I used the RTH the drone would fly up to the RTH altitude and just hover there. It would not move toward home. Now I know that was not what is supposed to happen. Thanks (This actually happened a few times not in beginners mode also).
I would have thought there would many crying Allelluya with the V 2 release or is there jitters because of the Beta status?
Anyway so far it is working as it should though I have not enough experience to evaluate it properly.
Anyone knows of which Windows 10 program to see .mov files and edit to add commentary ?

Many thanks

Many many thanks Augustine with this it will keep me busy when it rains and it does quite a bit.
Were you going to try the latest release or you wish to wait a bit?

Take Care
Oh I have had it on my XSP since yesterday. I have a few videos out with the smooth Yaw. One of them should be in the photo video section from this morning.
I would have thought there would many crying Allelluya with the V 2 release or is there jitters because of the Beta status?

Were you going to try the latest release or you wish to wait a bit?

I've decided to wait before uploading the firmware to my bird, largely because it is still beta. I noticed on the "terms and conditions" page for the download, Autel specifically states that the beta shouldn't be used for commercial operations. Since I'm a commercial operator, that becomes a deal killer for now. There are too many potential risks for my business - for example, I could very easily see insurance refusing to cover a potential incident if they discovered I was using beta firmware on my equipment. So, for now, I'm stuck waiting for the "official" release - and trusting I won't need to wait another year for it! ;)
Where would be the adjustable yaw and the zoom, pic would be nice
To adjust the yaw, open Starlink, open the settings, go to the left most settings column (Flight control settings). Scroll to the bottom, select Advanced settings. Select EXP. Either click on the number box and enter a value between 0.2 and 0.7, or use your finger and slide it left or right over the graph to adjust the value.
I thank you both, would the actual camera zoom or the tablet view itself ?
And for the yaw what would a value of 0.5 used for most ?
Sorry guys for the very novice questions and again thank you very much,
Normex - The zoom is not optical zoom, it's digital zoom. So the XSP is simply truncating off the pixels that you pinch off the screen. As for the yaw adjustment, I understand that a smaller number provides less rotation per stick movement. How different 0.2 is from 0.7, I don't know - haven't played with it yet.

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