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EVO II (Any/all version) and High Voltage transmission lines


May 30, 2022
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Seattle Area, WA State, USA
I'll be flying an EVO II Pro v1 for an upcoming photo mapping job. This site has 120' tall 115,000 Volt power lines crossing over about 1/4 of the mission area. Autel ads for newer V3 EVO II's show them being used for power line inspections which would suggest they are either not effected by EMI or only slightly so that you could safely fly near/next to them. Is that true for earlier v1 models, too?

If I fly 100' above the power lines at about 220', for example, can I expect that EMI won't interfere? My VO and I will be at least 100' horizontally away from the lines which will help insure the power lines are never between the controller and the drone. My two concerns are loss of control/flyaway and whether the drone will just decide to land right there.... potentially hitting a power line. I don't want to be 'that guy' who causes a blackout and gets a huge fine.

My questions:
1. Any feedback from v1 users regarding power lines?
2. Are v2 or v3 EVO II's different in how they handle EMI and other related issues? (I'm going to be buying a new drone this spring and thinking v3)
3. Any hints, tips/tricks, or suggestions?
4. If you've had issues, what were they?
5. Did you contact the power company before flying? Not so much for permission (It's unregulated airspace) but for any other reason?
6. Does Skywatch insurance cover knocking out power to thousands of people due to a drone mishap? If not, is there another option?

Thank you
115-kV Tower-b.JPG
I have not flown inspection missions before, but I have flown around power lines and "threaded the needle" a few times to get angles necessary for the job. I have not experienced any issues with connection or video transmission. Controls and visuals were all normal. 100ft above the power lines should not cause any issues with EMI.

As for your other questions, more experienced pilots could probably answer better. Last question should be a direct question from the provider.
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Similar to redleger, I too flew many times right along and over high power lines with a V1, and never had issues.
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I have flown my V1s near lots of large power lines without any issues. I can not say how many volts they were though.

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