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Firmware update appears to have broken my Nano's gimbal

Joe DiMauro

Mar 31, 2022
Reaction score
Westminster Colorado
Has anyone else seen this issue after updating the firmware? I went ahead and updated my EVO Nano to the latest firmware on 3/29/2022 and saw an issues with the update process saying it failed. After power cycling everything it warned that the IMU needed calibration, which I did w/o issues. I also checked that the firmware numbers all checked the new ones, which they now were. HOWEVER after installing this update it appears to have broken my gimbal!! Everything was working normally just before the update but afterwards the Nano it now fails the automatic gimbal check. The gimbal just points downward and gets HOT to the touch. It also fails the calibration process when I run it. I've contacted [email protected] but have yet to hear back.
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Has anyone else seen this issue after updating the firmware? I went ahead and updated my EVO Nano to the latest firmware on 3/29/2022 and saw an issues with the update process saying it failed. After power cycling everything it warned that the IMU needed calibration, which I did w/o issues. I also checked that the firmware numbers all checked the new ones, which they now were. HOWEVER after installing this update it appears to have broken my gimbal!! Everything was working normally just before the update but afterwards the Nano it now fails the automatic gimbal check. The gimbal just points downward and gets HOT to the touch. It also fails the calibration process when I run it. I've contacted [email protected] but have yet to hear back.
Same problem the update failed the gimbal is ok hot on the bottom of the drone
The only problem for me is I can’t calibrate the IMU
It seems to fly ok
But I am not happy with not calibrating the IMU
A friend had the same problem after updating the firmware to version 1.2.14. Downward pointing gimbal zero response, calibration didn't help. The only option was to download the firmware version 1.1.14 (links are on the forum), unpack the files to the SD card. Insert the card into the drone, turn it on and wait for the LED to glow with a uniform light. The aircraft will update itself with firmware and the gimbal will start working normally.
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You are a lifesaver, and a drone saver! The rollback to V1.1.14 worked. While Autel has yet to get back, its nice to know that the folks on this user forum are both responsive, knowledgable and helpful.

As a former (no retired) Senior Software QA Engineer I've helped literally tens of thousands of customers fix issues related to firmware updates. Its a disgrace that Autel isn't all over this issue with a warning about what to do if you encounter this issue. Where I was working this type of problem was an all-hands-on-deck, stop-the-presses, type of emergency. The entire R&D Staff would have been 100% focused on getting it resolved ASAP. Perhaps that's the difference between a company wanting to protect its reputation, and one trying to hide from its mistakes.


P.S. I was able to download the V1.1.14 firmware file from:

https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1PB8_ 1icnZ9KStzlqULXx7fPV7siZeEXa/ view?usp=sharing

1. Do not unzip this file
2. Place this file at the top of the aircraft's SD card.
3. Restart the aircraft and the remote controller until the LED on the aircraft stays green.
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Guys I'm not sure if it wise to downgrade. If this update broke the gimbal I think there's more issues being hidden

Make sure you guys are updating the craft with the legs unfolded.

So you as a rep of Autel feel it’s best to have a drone that we can’t use instead of one that works with an older version of known good firmware.

It that an April Fools joke.
Joe -

if your happy stuck on an old version of firmware and more than likely covering up a more serious issue, then by all means use it.

If I was someone that installed the new version and then downgraded, I would run the new firmware again. See if I can replicate the gimbal issue, If I could I would get the unit in for warranty work.

How would suggesting getting your unit fixed an April fools joke? I think the joke would be to tell people to use old firmware and then be stuck on that version forever.

Your craft , your money. Do whatever you feel works for you!
I’d love to get my drone in for warranty work, that’s why I emailed Autel support the day it happened, and have yet to hear back. Why is it that this thread is the first ‘official’ word I’ve had that it could be sent in?

Please tell me (as well as anyone else with similar issues), how and where to send it. Indeed it’s my money and if this is an example of your idea of good customer survive, we’ll that certainly is a sad comment.
I’d love to get my drone in for warranty work, that’s why I emailed Autel support the day it happened, and have yet to hear back. Why is it that this thread is the first ‘official’ word I’ve had that it could be sent in?

Please tell me (as well as anyone else with similar issues), how and where to send it. Indeed it’s my money and if this is an example of your idea of good customer survive, we’ll that certainly is a sad comment.
Sorry Joe. If you think my customer service is not up to your standards, I will no longer reply to you.

Have a wonderful day!
Thought I’d post an update as there has been some progress.

I resent my original email to [email protected] and this time I got a response. I was asked by a much more friendly employee to fill in an online form to get a RMA number and provided an address to send my drone to. Although I had to pay for the shipping, (about $14 via UPS).

They now have my Nano, and someone from their repair department is expected to get back with me once they get time to look at it.

Surprisingly the day after they received it, a second person in customer support replied to my first email, again asking me to fill in the same online form to get an RMA number to send it in.

So hopefully I’ll get some word soon. Keeping my fingers crossed.

You are a lifesaver, and a drone saver! The rollback to V1.1.14 worked. While Autel has yet to get back, its nice to know that the folks on this user forum are both responsive, knowledgable and helpful.

As a former (no retired) Senior Software QA Engineer I've helped literally tens of thousands of customers fix issues related to firmware updates. Its a disgrace that Autel isn't all over this issue with a warning about what to do if you encounter this issue. Where I was working this type of problem was an all-hands-on-deck, stop-the-presses, type of emergency. The entire R&D Staff would have been 100% focused on getting it resolved ASAP. Perhaps that's the difference between a company wanting to protect its reputation, and one trying to hide from its mistakes.


P.S. I was able to download the V1.1.14 firmware file from:

https://drive.google.com/file/ d/1PB8_ 1icnZ9KStzlqULXx7fPV7siZeEXa/ view?usp=sharing

1. Do not unzip this file
2. Place this file at the top of the aircraft's SD card.
3. Restart the aircraft and the remote controller until the LED on the aircraft stays green.
Hello! Could you please upload fw v.1.1.14 again?
Over 2 months since contacting them

“Thank you for contacting our Autel Robotics Support Team! We have received your request and your ticket #239543 has been opened.”

Still no response….

Beyond frustrated

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