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Is Autel next?

I think the part where this could be more than a just: "The possible DJI ban is only relegated to government funded or purchased drones." is from this statement
"Overall, Carr believes that there is enough data to put these drones on the covered list. He says putting them on the list will help the U.S. in the long run. “In the long term, we’re [the FCC] looking at taking our covered list in prohibiting those devices from operating in the U.S. altogether. In fact … just today the House passed a bill that would give the FCC authority to do exactly that, that if there is anything on our covered list, they can no longer operate in the U.S.”

from this article: FCC calls for blacklist of Chinese drone company
Well, by-em while you can. :(
Well, by-em while you can. :(
I think the part where this could be more than a just: "The possible DJI ban is only relegated to government funded or purchased drones." is from this statement
"Overall, Carr believes that there is enough data to put these drones on the covered list. He says putting them on the list will help the U.S. in the long run. “In the long term, we’re [the FCC] looking at taking our covered list in prohibiting those devices from operating in the U.S. altogether. In fact … just today the House passed a bill that would give the FCC authority to do exactly that, that if there is anything on our covered list, they can no longer operate in the U.S.”

from this article: FCC calls for blacklist of Chinese drone company
I've seen that news segment. No real info to support itself, as usual.
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Worst case scenario would be something like DJI for years infiltrating US gov't agencies, by corrupting not just phones and drones, but by uploading all the visual spectrum, thermal, imaging and mapping these agency operators routinely make. If the Chinese military could have pulled it off they might be getting a better, deeper, higher resolution 3D look at the US Homeland, Taiwan, South Korea etc than they're getting from their space-based Keyhole-equivalent satellites. You can take it to the bank if that's what's been occurring all these years, sport flyers and small businesspersons are unlikely to know the width and breadth of it-- nor do we necessarily have an absolute right or need to know. The drone storm that hit the USA five or so years ago spearheaded by DJI was easily as large a disruption to the previous order than Uber, Lyft... and if it's been a surveillance tool all along... maybe rivals Amazon or Facebook
And maybe Randall Warnas-- previously the lead guy of DJI's Enterprise program before he was a very short-term CEO of Autel Robotics USA-- becomes the next Edward Snowdon?
Worst case scenario would be something like DJI for years infiltrating US gov't agencies, by corrupting not just phones and drones, but by uploading all the visual spectrum, thermal, imaging and mapping these agency operators routinely make.
And, they are able to do it all while being highly scrutinized by the best at US intelligence. Crazy, right !
And, they are able to do it all while being highly scrutinized by the best at US intelligence. Crazy, right !
Who knows, they might have been borrowing zero days and exploits we pioneered, similar to the the AES 256-bit encryption random-number generator that wasn't random (the one that was said to require multiples of the 13-billion year lifetime of the Universe to crack with a brute force attack, yadayadayada
" last I checked, we still embrace the free market."
try keeping your job without a jab
there are a gazzillion things that are NOT free-legal to buy n sell until the government says so/regulates. then maybe for a fee........
Make sure to get your Autel drone vaccinated! None of us want it spreading viruses to people! Lol!
I was starting to worry about the comments from the FCC commissioner about a "total" DJI ban. A ban just for federal purchasing and use on federal property would suck for those who have those contracts, but it would not affect me. It seems like this guy is maybe a bit off. His recent comments on robotic dogs show that he is not too much about "facts", science or technology.

Case in point:

I really thought this was him being humorous, until I went to his Twitter page and sadly he was not kidding.

I would find it hard for anybody to take such a person seriously in anything.
This ultimately could have a happy ending for Autel: imagine that the company is forced to divest from it's corporate parent and moves manufacturing to the USA (ideally), or really any non-dictatorial country. We still get great drones, and we don't give money and intel to the enemy...and if you don't understand that the CCP is most definitely the enemy of every free nation, for the love of God, do some research.
I was starting to worry about the comments from the FCC commissioner about a "total" DJI ban. A ban just for federal purchasing and use on federal property would suck for those who have those contracts, but it would not affect me. It seems like this guy is maybe a bit off. His recent comments on robotic dogs show that he is not too much about "facts", science or technology.

Case in point:

I really thought this was him being humorous, until I went to his Twitter page and sadly he was not kidding.

I would find it hard for anybody to take such a person seriously in anything.

He could only ban them going forward. Ex Post Facto laws are not allowed in the US.
Ex post facto laws are expressly forbidden by the United States Constitution in Article 1, Section 9, Clause 3 (with respect to federal laws) and Article 1, Section 10 (with respect to state laws).
Everything I see about how DJI operates their drones, from the constant "contact the mothership," to the "we will tell you where you can or cannot fly" screams Chinese Communist Party and Chinese government control thinking. This company is antithetical to US values, and had I known this beforehand, I would never have bought my MA2...I certainly won't buy from them again.
If they get banned going forward, I will shed no tears.
or really any non-dictatorial country.
LOL, pretty sure there are none left. the discussion IS OUR (USA) dictating who can and cannot buy drones, who can and cannot fly them. where they can be flown...... in other words, dictatorial

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