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www.autelpilot.com - BUYER BEWARE - Shame on Autel


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
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I like a bunch of other people have been had by www.autelpilot.com. They sold me a Lite + which I now want to return for refund under their 30 day policy and they won't accept a return. They want to fix the many things I don't like about the drone which is impossible especially when it boils down to I just don't feel the drone is worth the money paid. My story is the SAME as Marcus at Idaho Quadcoptor. At the time I ordered I thought I was ordering from Autel themselves as this company not only uses the Autel name but uses their LOGO to make it all look official. I've since found out they have nothing to do with Autel Robotics. I don't understand how Autel let's them use their Trademarked logo but that's another story. Buyer beware and SHAME ON AUTEL for letting this go on.
dispute the charge on your credit card. provide the reasons you outlined here. you should have no problem. one of the other videos posted here said the paypal dispute route has also been pretty successful as well. in the end, it also sounds like autel is willing to help out those who bought their drone. ultimately, you'll have to take some action if you want it to get done unfortunately.
As noted above, you will need to initiate a chargeback to the credit card you used. As you know, there have been several threads on negative member experiences with this specific storefront. The way that autelpilots DOT com operates, is the primary reason I personally consider them to be a distributor to be avoided entirely.

Once again, the autelpilot DOT com storefront has no association with Autel Robotics other than being another distributor. They also have NO association with this forum and should not be considered to be endorsed by any DronePilots forum.
My understanding is they're the retailer and storefront for Autel in China, but are not affiliated with Autel Robotics USA in Bothell, WA. Is this incorrect? They were the original source for the leaks of the Smartcontroller for the V1 and the Nano (and started taking preorders immediately)
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Does anyway anyone have the address their autelpilot shipped from in the US. I can't find my box..
I do believe they have nothing to do with the company as is they're separate companies, yes... However, they ARE on the list of "authorized sellers" or whatever (similar) type lists Autel Robotics has... That's all I know about them (besides that they ARE who I got my Nano+ from)...
I do believe they have nothing to do with the company as is they're separate companies, yes... However, they ARE on the list of "authorized sellers" or whatever (similar) type lists Autel Robotics has... That's all I know about them (besides that they ARE who I got my Nano+ from)...
just do a quick google search on the address and you can easily see who "they" are. 🤣
c'mon guys, these are a bunch of empty chinese warehouses in the cincinnati area that are used to fulfill orders in north america. do your homework.
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I like a bunch of other people have been had by www.autelpilot.com. They sold me a Lite + which I now want to return for refund under their 30 day policy and they won't accept a return. They want to fix the many things I don't like about the drone which is impossible especially when it boils down to I just don't feel the drone is worth the money paid. My story is the SAME as Marcus at Idaho Quadcoptor. At the time I ordered I thought I was ordering from Autel themselves as this company not only uses the Autel name but uses their LOGO to make it all look official. I've since found out they have nothing to do with Autel Robotics. I don't understand how Autel let's them use their Trademarked logo but that's another story. Buyer beware and SHAME ON AUTEL for letting this go on.
Why dont you name the company so others dont buy off them or report them to trading standards as its not autels fault is it
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Yup…big drop shipping warehouses in Kentucky. Not just drones. Middle men.
From their webpage:
WIN.IT™ America, Inc., established in October 2013, is the US branch of WINIT Information Technology Co. Founded November 2012 in Shanghai, China, WINIT Information Technology Co. is an integrated supply chain solution provider for cross-border e-commerce. Besides our US facility in California and Kentucky, we also have presence in Great Britain, Germany, Australia, and China with more than 700 employees worldwide. As the eBay Logistic Partner, our service covers logistic, financing and information three flows and the goal is to offer an effective supply chain management solution that helps cross-border e-commerce sellers localize their supply chain operations, shorten time to buyers, and improve buyer experience, in order to enhance sellers’ competitiveness in marketplaces worldwide.
For more information about WIN.IT™ America, Inc., please visit www.winitamerica.com
A similar situation happened to me. Already bought an Evo II pro 6k rugged bundle plus additional accessories from those people at Autelpilot.com, I also “preordered” the new (at the time) Smart Controller. Then about 2 months later the news of V1 and V2 chipsets came out and I decided this was not a deal for me anymore, and they kept repeating (we don’t know if or when your SC will come in”). This plus the fact that I paid the entire $1195 for it , I asked for my money back. They only credited $895 back to my credit card. After going to my credit card, Autelpilot.come then refunded an additional $100 then that was it. Claiming “restocking fees”. “Restocking fees???!!!”, for something they never had in the first place?!?! WTF! Anyways, I felt lucky to get anything back, and then when I called Autel Robotics they told me that Autelpilot.com is NOT an authorized reseller?!?! So I am reading conflicting reports here and i agree none of this makes any sense. If anything, it does sound very ChiComm!!! They are the experts at subterfuge! The thing is I like Autel Robotics as a better product (having owned Parrott, DJI, in recent past). But let’s face it, it’s a ChiComm company (majority stakeholder) and this is what they do.).
I don’t care. I have my drone. They came through. The guy asked for an address to the Kentucky source. I know what they are…..middle men who deal with e-commerce that are drop shipping various items to shorten shipping times.
I don’t care. I have my drone. They came through. The guy asked for an address to the Kentucky source. I know what they are…..middle men who deal with e-commerce that are drop shipping various items to shorten shipping times.
we know. it's obvious there are quite a few people who don't care where they buy their drone from, who they deal with, where they send their money to, etc. they just want a drone. not judging.
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All the drones come from China….just like almost everything else….just sayin’. It ain't my fault. A drone’s a drone whether it comes from Autelpilot or anywhere else. They all are coming from China.
I've made it a rule these past couple of pandemic years that if a product isn't in the US already--confirmed in writing that there's stock inside the country-- I can wait for when it is confirmed to be available. I further fine tune this for larger and/or fragile items (that might be sent by ground) to confirm in writing they're in my home state. I also won't do repeat business with anyone who's fibbed (or from whom I've gotten a refund for bogus tracking numbers, or lied about place of shipping origin). This rule conveniently eliminates pre-ordering drones or ones for which the FW is still wiggy since it hasn't been officially released to N. America

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