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Battery Ressurection


Dec 23, 2017
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Unfortunately life has gotten in the way of my flying for the last 3-4 months, and thus the batteries have been left on their own as well. I went to charge my two batteries, and neither will take a charge. One has no lights, the other will only turn on and off, and flash the green ring around the button. Is there any way to jump start these buggers? They only have maybe 10-15 flights total on them, so if even one can be brought back I'd be happy. On the battery with the flashing light, I tried resetting it a few times, but it just will not start charging. Ideas?

Another thing, are these batteries just completely discontinued now? I can't find a single place that has them in stock.
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Quick update, I got the battery that showed signs of life to take a charge. I hooked it up to a 12v power supply for a few seconds, and that was enough to jump start it. Of course I'll have to plug the battery into the drone to see the status once it's charged and take some easy, low altitude flights to make sure it's not toast.

So now that leaves replacements, and if they can even be had.
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I was surprised to see Autel out of stock on the Xstar batteries. They had a very large pellet of them last time I checked and that was not long ago. They did say they would continue to supply parts for the Xstar when the EVO I came out. Not sure if that still applies now that the EVO II is out. Can't hurt to ask them when they might be getting more in.
Doing a google search for batteries there seems to be some RC places still having one or two but how good they are who knows.
Thanks, I sent an email to customer service. I'll update with their response. Hopefully they're just sold out and production is behind due to the virus.

I did find one aftermarket battery, but it was sold out as well, haha!
Thanks, I sent an email to customer service. I'll update with their response. Hopefully they're just sold out and production is behind due to the virus.

I did find one aftermarket battery, but it was sold out as well, haha!

When you say aftermarket do you mean a hacked battery or just a retailer who had stock but does not anymore?
I think these guys have white ones in stock. If you have a orange xstar it would mean you have a bunny tail for a battery LOL

I mean a battery manufacturer that makes their own, and is compatible with the X-Star. It was on bangood, so who knows if it's any good or not. Was significantly cheaper though.

Yep, I've got a pumpkin Star. If a battery works, it could be any color, haha!
Cool I never did hear of a aftermarket battery from any company. Some of us tried to make our own or even having the cells replaced from companies that specialize in rebuilding them but the over all cost was not worth it. I had one company here in Ontario said they could do it but they had to order bulk material for the cells from China. Not really a good investment for one person. LOL
Update on the now working battery : Looks like I got lucky! Capacity looks good, cells are balanced, and nothing out of the ordinary happened during flight. At least I can still fly it! What a relief. Sucks I lost a battery, but nothing I can do about it now. Since it's toast, I might take it apart just for the heck of it.
Since this post is about "out of service" battery, I will give you a recipe to revive a Lipo battery.
This sometimes happens over time, we do not always have the state of mind to check our batteries according to the schedule more or less charged or a prolonged absence. It does happen one day when we come across this damn "forgotten" battery.
Doctor Lipo, passing by there, will give you a recipe to revive this battery without running to the emergency room ...... (except if all the elements are dead and there is no longer an ounce of voltage in it, in this case, it's more emergencies ........)

This is the recipe that allowed me to recover a lot of model aircraft batteries.

How to treat a sick cell or battery
Know it, a cell that goes below 3 volts has taken a hell of a time. And your charger will no longer accept it. But there is a way to recover it by scrupulously respecting these instructions:

1-Set your charger to NIMH
2-Load your lipo without the balancing intake using the nearest cell number (in nimh, we are talking about elements)
3-Connect a lipo tester to the balancing socket
4-If possible, charge the lipo to 250 or 300 mA. Otherwise, as low as possible.
5-Stay nearby until the voltage of the sick cell rises to 3.0 volts.
6-Stop the charge
7-Return to lipo mode and finish charging normally

This trick also works with a lipo in which one or more cells are dying.
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I didn't know that trick, I'll give it a shot, thanks!

I got a reply from Autel, and these batteries are gone for good. :( So, keep your batteries maintained, and hope they last a lot of cycles!
Here's Autel's CS response to my question of when XSP batteries are coming back into stock:

Thanks for contacting Autel Customer Support. I'm sorry to say but we are no longer manufacturing batteries for the Xstar platform. We have extinguished our stock a few weeks back. My suggesting is to keep an eye on third party providers. The last place I have found batteries to purchase was on EBAY.
Brady R. | Commercial Support Agent

I'm down to 3 batteries after a 4th refused to show any sign of life while pressing the button. I'm doomed...

On a serious note, the link Agustine provided in post #5, have them in stock. Yes, they are white, but you can just replace the cap to an orange one and you can fly.

Obviously it's such a burden and hassle to order batteries and ship them out and make a few more bucks on the side.
Has anyone found replacement of compatible batteries? Also has anyone ordered a battery from the link provided?
Update on the now working battery : Looks like I got lucky! Capacity looks good, cells are balanced, and nothing out of the ordinary happened during flight. At least I can still fly it! What a relief. Sucks I lost a battery, but nothing I can do about it now. Since it's toast, I might take it apart just for the heck of it.
How could you tell which side was positive /negative? And how do you "Reset" the batt?
Since this post is about "out of service" battery, I will give you a recipe to revive a Lipo battery.
This sometimes happens over time, we do not always have the state of mind to check our batteries according to the schedule more or less charged or a prolonged absence. It does happen one day when we come across this damn "forgotten" battery.
Doctor Lipo, passing by there, will give you a recipe to revive this battery without running to the emergency room ...... (except if all the elements are dead and there is no longer an ounce of voltage in it, in this case, it's more emergencies ........)

This is the recipe that allowed me to recover a lot of model aircraft batteries.

How to treat a sick cell or battery
Know it, a cell that goes below 3 volts has taken a hell of a time. And your charger will no longer accept it. But there is a way to recover it by scrupulously respecting these instructions:

1-Set your charger to NIMH
2-Load your lipo without the balancing intake using the nearest cell number (in nimh, we are talking about elements)
3-Connect a lipo tester to the balancing socket
4-If possible, charge the lipo to 250 or 300 mA. Otherwise, as low as possible.
5-Stay nearby until the voltage of the sick cell rises to 3.0 volts.
6-Stop the charge
7-Return to lipo mode and finish charging normally

This trick also works with a lipo in which one or more cells are dying.
What type/model of charger are you using and how are you connecting? any pics would be helpful for some of us i'm sure, if possible. Thanks for takin the time also
This is my setup. I used to charge my batteries this way when I was in a hurry. The connector is for DJI batteries but you really don't need the connector just stripped wires to insert into the correct terminals. Any RC charger will work as most have the different options to charge different batteries.


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