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Multi-altitude waypoint mission


Aug 19, 2019
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I am trying to plan a waypoint mission with multiple altitudes.

The first waypoint (A) is at 300 feet. The next three waypoints (B,C,D) would be at 50 feet. The last waypoint (E) would be at 300 feet and return to home at 300 feet.

How can I set the route altitude between points B C D at 50 feet?
From what I understand and how I planned the few I tried, you go into your mission and click on each waypoint and then adjust the height. The EVO will go to the next waypoint after the A point and ascend or descend to the set height at that point and then continue to the next waypoint at that height. The EVO does not gradually ascend or descend between waypoints.
From what I seem to understand, you would start from 300 feet (like at the top of a cliff) to then descend to 50 feet, then to return to the starting point at 300 feet as the diagram below.
From what I seem to understand, you would start from 300 feet (like at the top of a cliff) to then descend to 50 feet, then to return to the starting point at 300 feet as the diagram below.
View attachment 6740
Yes that is how I understand it...but I would add some more points after the homepoint, close by. You would start at your home point, then add one more and set that one at your 300' height. it would move to you next waypoint at 300', then descend to 50'. go to the other home points at 50'.
I might add another waypoint close to the last waypoint and set that one at 300', then have the EVO go to the last 300' point then to home.
Remember that the EVO does not gradually ascend/descend to the next point. It goes to the next point and then ascends/descends before moving on.
See the green waypoints in the photo

Another thing I am not sure of it you have to set the lower points at -350 feet?
Maybe try and fly manually and see what setting are in the screen while flying.
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Well, my poor fellow, I'm sorry to tell you that with the EVO, both the 1 and the 2 that you will never be able to make a Waypoint circuit below your takeoff point.
You will cap at least 10 meters above your takeoff point.
If you want to descend on a mission below your take-off point, you will have to change the Creamery and go for a ride at Litchi's, which allow him to descend to 200 meters below the take-off point.
At Autel, apparently, they have the feeling that the earth is flat and that everything is going on above ............ They did not understand.
I had a discussion with eu and the only solution that they brought me is to lower the minimum value from 30 meters to 10 meters.
It's good, but how to go to film the ruin of the castle which is 50 meters lower in the valley.
Well ....... we can't at Autel ............
This is what blocks me for the moment for the purchase of the Evo 2.
Pending, perhaps, the release of a future Mavic 3 at DJI.
Here is my conversation with Autel, who did not solve anything.

I would like to point out a small problem concerning the development of Waypoints missions for both Evo 1 and Evo 2.
It is good to be able to program the heights of the crossing points, but there is a great handicap since we cannot descend below the 30-meter mark.
Have you ever thought that when programming a mission, you may need to descend lower and even below its takeoff point.
When you take off from a cliff or a mountain, you don't always fly with the aircraft above your head. We descend into the valley or under the cliff. This is an absolutely handicapping point when you live in the mountains.
This is one thing that makes your harvest planner obsolete and inadequate.
I have also been flying with Litchi for 4 years and I have always had the possibility of doing missions in the valley by putting negative values to descend lower than the departure.
Hope this will help you in future updates.
For me, this planner cannot currently be used for the Evo 1 and cannot also be used for the Evo 2.
This is something that must be corrected and adapted quickly because it quickly blocks the interest of the missions, at least for me who has to do more missions under me than above my head.
I will give you an example of Litchi where you can descend the altitude to 200 meters below the takeoff point.
Sincerely. Jean Claude.
Hello Jean

Thanks for your feedback.
Currently, we are updating the waypoint mission, and the minimum height will be changed from 30 meters to 10 meters.

Our Autel Explorer app is mainly for average consumers, we will try our best to satisfy customers' needs.

Weituo Dan
Quality Engineer

Me :
Hello, thank you for your answer. But, even 10 meters, do not commit to buying the Evo 2, because I fly and do missions where I have to descend lower than the takeoff point.
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Great Reply !
I was just going to update my post when I saw yours.
I just tried to plan a mission and
In the mission planner for waypoints, the lowest you can have a point is 98 feet after the home point. Even the home point lowest height is 98 feet.
If you go to the camera waypoint planner you can have a point go to 0 ft, but there is no minus symbol to go lower than that.
I flew from a dam nearby and manually I was able to fly to the bottom of the dam at water level, but there is no way to record a mission and keep it saved for future use, as I know it.
Alien can plan his mission but would have to start from the ground level and go up to the 300 ft level.
Again great reply !
Here is a screen shot of flying over the dam starting at the field below the dam and setting various height going to the top and then lowering over the water then back to the top and then down to the field.
Its calm out today and I'll go out and try to fly is and see what happens

Dam Mission-Screenshot.jpg
i've done the cliff face flight shown above , many times before at my local spot. its hard at first , requres gaining confidance in the machine. when you start out high on the cliff then fly over water while decending , then circle a surfer or boat , then back to shore , cruise up the face of the slope and back home for landing. its all in the thumbs and your confidance level
i've done the cliff face flight shown above , many times before at my local spot. its hard at first , requres gaining confidance in the machine. when you start out high on the cliff then fly over water while decending , then circle a surfer or boat , then back to shore , cruise up the face of the slope and back home for landing. its all in the thumbs and your confidance level
I think what Alien wants to do is plan and save a missions so he can repeat the same flight at another time. One of the benefits of planning a mission is you can rotate the EVO as it is flying it's course to get the desired camera angle for a video.
If you are looking for a smooth video flight, waypoints won't do it. It stops at each waypoint and does a robotic rotation before heading to the next waypoint.
If you are looking for a smooth video flight, waypoints won't do it. It stops at each waypoint and does a robotic rotation before heading to the next waypoint.
I don't think the turn is that bad. The few missions I flew (for Practice) it depended on the wind. If it was calm, it would come to a waypoint, slow down, pause and turn. I thought the turn could have been a little slower but better than I could do manually.
It would be very valuable to have the option to ramp values between waypoints. This could provide a cinematic solution without starting from scratch. Any thoughts?
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Autel is not the drone you reach for if cinematic movements are your thing. I learned the hard way. Yes it can be done but a major pain in the ***.
Autel is not the drone you reach for if cinematic movements are your thing. I learned the hard way. Yes it can be done but a major pain in the ***.
Yes, agreed, but it would seem an easy update to use the waypoint system with a ramp option. Realistically, that may never come from Autel. I would be interested in what you tried. Thx
Yes, agreed, but it would seem an easy update to use the waypoint system with a ramp option. Realistically, that may never come from Autel. I would be interested in what you tried. Thx
I just wanted the drone to follow me while mtn biking. The tracking on it is horrible so I would just put in a 2 point waypoint, i.e. straightline. Even then I would have to keep an eye on my speed.
I know I guy who would map out his flight pattern using google earth and load it to litchi. Results were amazing and very cinematic following ridges and valleys. The Evo 1 in comparison is like flying a brick.
Yup, like litchi does.
I know I guy who would map out his flight pattern using google earth and load it to litchi. Results were amazing and very cinematic following ridges and valleys. The Evo 1 in comparison is like flying a brick.
Yup, have imported things to litchi via google earth pro (gep), as well as use the litchi vlm to play/test/validate litchi missions using gep. have also used exports from litchi and gep as kml imports to autel missions, downside is with autel missions you have to add your waypoint actions and various other clean up items.

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