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"New" Mavic Pro Platinum


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2017
Reaction score
If anyone hasn't seen it yet, or is getting ready to click that "Buy" button...here's the scoop. New Mavic Pro Platinum is boasting quieter props by 65%, 3 additional minutes of airtime and a cool new platinum color...all for an additional cost of $100. Sounds great doesn't it? Don't believe the hype!!! All you are getting is a different set of $5 propellers that are a different design and different color plastic that costs $0. Everything else in the REAL specs list appears to be exactly the same. Why should anyone pay $100 more for a set of different props? You can buy aftermarket for much less and achieve the same upgrade to an existing Mavic Pro. Just my insight and that of my friends that own Mavics and asked DJI for the spec differences.
I agree. Total waste of money and a scam in my opinion. Might as well use that $100 to buy the new props and another battery for 27 more minutes instead of 3. DJI is good at advertising.
According to the engineer who does 'Drone Valley' on Youtube the electronic speed controls were also modified and explains the changes made. I am not an engineer so I can only assume what he explains is correct.... BUT in the end he said it was his belief that if you already own a Mavic it is not worth the update. I actually saw a second reviewer on Youtube come to the same conclusion but I don't remember who that was.
I was going to pick up a Mavic just for the portability aspect, like to take it camping, canoeing, etc. Now I'm kind of in the air about it. So they made a software change to the prop speeds, etc to make sure it was balanced with the new blades...still no real value in that to me. Guess I will just keep debating and researching more...

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