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RID response from Autel:

  • Thread starter Deleted member 9417
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Autel does not make agreement with the FAA on RID for EVO II V1/V2 Series.

Without remote ID, pilots only be allowed to operate at FAA-recognized identification areas (FRIAs) sponsored by community-based organizations or educational institutions. FRIAs are the only locations unmanned aircraft (drones and radio-controlled airplanes) may operate without broadcasting remote ID message elements."

If you have any further questions, feel free to reply directly to this email and I'd be happy to assist.
Best Regards,
Kristen| After-sales Technical Support

Don't know how it is in your area, but in KC the few AMA sanctioned flying fields that there are do not allow drones. So, bottom line: Autel has abandoned those of us who have drones older than about 18 months, or those who purchase(d) an EVO II V1/V2 series more recently. So far, I have not found any RID device that will make my drone, and maybe yours, FAA legal. Has anyone else? I am talking USA, not Europe, Australia, Asia or Africa.
No body will ever check jack. Just keep that 107 in your pocket and call it good
An RID module seems wise at this point for anyone in the commercial business especially if you're like me and just starting out. I agree the cost is high but it is a working solution. I ordered my first Autel EVO II last October and it is a V2, a new drone is not worth it for a smaller business like me and the external RID options are awesome...I put a compliant light on my drone too-I did not complain the manufacturer didn't offer a compliant flashing light on my EVO (something they should do). I was willing to buy two of those at $40 a piece...almost half the cost of a drone tag beacon. (I keep a backup light). RID is here.
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I have updated my previous post to clarify and make it easier to understand. There really isn't a such thing as a #1 module and a #2 module but I wanted to illustrate the differences between the types of modules that are hitting the market vs. the type of modules that Autel is referring to in their correspondence.

I wouldn't worry about the $299 price. The market will decide and the prices will go lower....for sure; I guarantee it. ;)

You only need to buy one external module and you can use it on as many different drones as you wish. If we are lucky, the FAA will subsidize the price for one for anyone who wants one....

I agree, bad actors will not register and bad actors will not use external RID modules.
I have updated my previous post to clarify and make it easier to understand. There really isn't a such thing as a #1 module and a #2 module but I wanted to illustrate the differences between the types of modules that are hitting the market vs. the type of modules that Autel is referring to in their correspondence.

I wouldn't worry about the $299 price. The market will decide and the prices will go lower....for sure; I guarantee it. ;)

You only need to buy one external module and you can use it on as many different drones as you wish. If we are lucky, the FAA will subsidize the price for one for anyone who wants one....

I agree, bad actors will not register and bad actors will not use external RID modules.
What you stated concerning one Remote ID Module can service multiple drones is correct for the Hobbiest Class Pilot. The 107 Remote Pilot has to buy separate Remote ID Modules for each and every drone they intend to fly after
September 16, 2023.

1) I checked the FAA Registry of Remote ID registered drones today, August 21,2023.
I believe the number was
462. That’s not very many registrations with less than 30 days remaining.

2) I was not able to locate a single vendor in the USA with a FAA approved Remote ID in stock.
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Since I won't be able to fly my less than 1 year old $5000 Autel Drone in a few weeks without an add on module, I need to know where the best place to install a module is, so it won't interfere with the installed GPS. Does anyone know where I should install it?
upon closer inspection, you'll see only these serial numbers are accepted. outside the range likely indicates no rid.

Serial #: 1748CHL7822390001 - 1748CHN2925529999
This means nothing. The FAA's web site list Autel EVO II as compliant with a date of 10-2022. It does not say V1, V2, or V3.

Let me state the following. I am a fixed wing pilot for over 33 years. (yes I learned to to fly with the onl steam gages) I flown lighter than air, (Hot Air Balloons) for about 18 years. I started out with OpenPilot who was one of the first to produce the controller boards for UAVs before there was a part 107. I received my Remote Operator Lic in September 2016. (7 years) So I am no newbie to the industry or the FAA.

I bought my Autel EVO II Enterprise 640R in November 2022. I was told my Autel CS and the Dealer DroneWorks that it would be upgradable via firmware to comply with RID. It with other accessories cost $14,000.

The first issue is I bought an Live Deck 2 with it ($699) on preorder. DroneWorks or Autel has yet to produce Live Deck 2. All I get from DroneWorks is they are out of the Live Deck 2 and will ship one when they get the next batch. I have repeatedly brought up both issues with Autel Customer Support with I am sorry for you incomveanice. The last time I got hung up on.

The answer I get from Autel and DroneWorks is due to the unavailability of the chip sets they were forced to change them and now the Live Deck 2 and RID will not work with the old chip set so there will be no updates to v2 to make them compatible. Autel solation was to offer me 30% discount on a MAX N.

I have contacted an attorney and will be filing suit next week for there miss representations and failure to produce the Live Deck 2.

I love how the Aurel flies and some of the features it has that no one else does. (ADS-B Etc.)

My advice is to not buy anything preorder. Wait until they have the units for sale.
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I have a November 2022 Evo II Enterprise Dual (640T). I thought they were going to be software upgradeable too. The fact that they are different chipsets shouldn't matter much. The programmers and programming language are the parts that matter. They later said not to worry because they were going to make an inexpensive RID module. Well that certainly evaporated quickly. The point it, unless they have deleted their programming software or all their programmers went in the last purge, they have made an intentional business decision to not support it. It's not that they can't because of a change in chipsets, it's that they don't have to bother.
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All this talk about the Police doing something because you don't have RID is BS. First they have no authority to Police you. They can only report you to the FAA. The police can only control where you take off and land. (depending on if they have some kind of law in place.) They have no control over the national air space. Oh they might try and intimidate you but the dog has no bite.

I married into a law enforcement family 18 years ago. (One is now retired and the other took over a hospital security force)

Secondly do you really think every cop in the US will have the means to RID you apart from the Karen Apps? And you assume that they will know Part 107 and other FAR's?

Some have said this does not apply to Part 107 but you need other parts of the Reg related to Part 107.

If you claim this one you better be ready to back it up.
§ 107.21 In-flight emergency.
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This means nothing. The FAA's web site list Autel EVO II as compliant with a date of 10-2022. It does not say V1, V2, or V3.
You are correct, I cannot vouch for the accuracy or completeness of the FAA government website. Not only is it difficult to use but also it is confusing. No argument from me. Not even going to try to defend the database or the RID process.
All this talk about the Police doing something because you don't have RID is BS. First they have no authority to Police you. They can only report you to the FAA. The police can only control where you take off and land. (depending on if they have some kind of law in place.) They have no control over the national air space. Oh they might try and intimidate you but the dog has no bite.

I married into a law enforcement family 18 years ago. (One is now retired and the other took over a hospital security force)

Secondly do you really think every cop in the US will have the means to RID you apart from the Karen Apps? And you assume that they will know Part 107 and other FAR's?

Some have said this does not apply to Part 107 but you need other parts of the Reg related to Part 107.

If you claim this one you better be ready to back it up.
§ 107.21 In-flight emergency.
I agree no one will be looking out for RID. it's only after there is a problem or an incident and you are inadvertently discovered to be flying without it. Then you are accused of flying a ghost drone. :eek:
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The problem is what everyone seems to forget. Amazon and companies want your drone out of the air. They paid the FAA to pass the rid compliance. With your drone having rid they have the abilty to put your drone on the ground. The built in rid modules can do just that. They said its for law enforcement but if you have half a brain you know by now ( if you pay attention to all thats being said now and what congress was told originally ) that its all political motivated to clear the sky of nuisances like hobby drones. Thats why friaas were decided so faa could say..See we are looking out for the little guy. Even though tge closest fria to me is over 50 miles away and is no bigger than a couple football fields. How many great pics I can take there..Lol and to top it off I have to pay to join their little club. Another incentive by the faa to make people quit. Either way it cost money. According to the faa no hobby drone has killed anyone or caused a plane to crash in the USA so what other argument do they have. You are all arguing with each other about rid modules when you should be joined together against big tech and their new paid watchdog..the FAA
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Autel does not make agreement with the FAA on RID for EVO II V1/V2 Series.

Without remote ID, pilots only be allowed to operate at FAA-recognized identification areas (FRIAs) sponsored by community-based organizations or educational institutions. FRIAs are the only locations unmanned aircraft (drones and radio-controlled airplanes) may operate without broadcasting remote ID message elements."

If you have any further questions, feel free to reply directly to this email and I'd be happy to assist.
Best Regards,
Kristen| After-sales Technical Support

Don't know how it is in your area, but in KC the few AMA sanctioned flying fields that there are do not allow drones. So, bottom line: Autel has abandoned those of us who have drones older than about 18 months, or those who purchase(d) an EVO II V1/V2 series more recently. So far, I have not found any RID device that will make my drone, and maybe yours, FAA legal. Has anyone else? I am talking USA, not Europe, Australia, Asia or Africa.
About two weeks ago, I emailed Autel about not being able to see my drone’s RID in the dronescanner app.

At first they focused on the app, like the app was the problem. I emailed them back and they escalated the issue to After-sales Technical Support.

I got another email from them, yesterday, stating the following:

Hope this email finds you well.

FAA has granted users an extension until March 16, 2024. During the period between September 16, 2023, and March 16, 2024, users and drone companies need to make every effort to comply with RID regulations. After March 16, 2024, individuals who have not complied with RID regulations will begin to face legal responsibility.

Therefore, because the FAA has now delayed the RID regulations, we will be releasing another version of the EVO II V3 by the end of September that will be able to be picked up by a third party app.

If you have any further questions, feel free to reply directly to this email and I'd be happy to assist.

My response, with the policy attached, was as follows:

They didn’t delay the requirement.

They published a Discretionary Enforcement Policy. (Read it in the attachment)

The drone is still required to transmit. They will decide if they’ll take action against a pilot, who flies a drone without RID.

If you’re sending the response you sent to me, to other customers, either Autel told you to outright lie to us or you’re grossly misinformed because you haven’t read the five page policy. I honestly hope it’s the latter.

—End my response—

If you get the response above from Autel; beware, the FAA could decide to take action against you, if you are flying without RID. It’s at their “Discretion.”

Please Note: FAA Extends Remote ID Enforcement Date Six Months​

Drone pilots who are unable to comply with the broadcast requirement of the Remote ID Rule will now have until March 16, 2024, to equip their aircraft. After that date, operators could face fines and suspension or revocation of pilot certificates. In making this decision, the FAA recognizes the unanticipated issues that some operators are experiencing finding some remote identification broadcast modules.


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