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Sharing My Music and Sound FX - Over 2000 tracks

Greetings Fellow Creatives,

Please don't forget about my Ogg music packs. Each pack contains all of my tracks to date from my most popular genres:

Fantasy Music - Over 261 Tracks
Sci-Fi Music - Over 260 Tracks
Funny / Quirky / Weird Music - Over 200 Tracks
Puzzle Music - Over 130 Tracks
Chiptunes Music - Over 100 Tracks
Action Music - Over 80 Tracks
Looping Music - Over 60 Tracks
Dark/Ominous Music - Over 50 Tracks
Horror/Surreal Music - Over 50 Tracks

The packs are contained in Zip folders so you can quickly download everything at once.

You can access them from my music pages, or from here:

Ogg Music Packs | Soundimage.org

Enjoy! :)
Hey everyone,

I have some brand new music tracks to share with the community...100% free to use with attribution. They are both on my new Rock page:

Rock | Soundimage.org

Enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative! :)

Greetings Everyone,

Another hectic week...ugh...but I did manage to create a couple of cool new tracks to share:


You'll find them on my City/Urban 3 page. Here's a link:
Urban Music 3 | Soundimage.org

Other News

Glad to see that my Ogg music packs are coming in handy! They should be a huge time-saver...plus you can create your own playlists and listen to them to audition tracks while doing other things.

So enjoy...and as always, please stay safe and keep being creative. :)
Greetings Fellow Creatives,

I have a new music track to share with you:


As always, it's 100% free to download and use with attribution. You'll find it on my Funny 8 page.

Funny 8 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy and please stay safe. :)
Hey everyone,

I have a couple of new music tracks to share on my Sci-Fi 11 page:

"OFF WORLD SUNRISE" – On some faraway planet? What would it look like?

"THE MIND OF THE CITY" – (Looping) – Perhaps cities of the future will have their own “minds” to run everything.

Sci-Fi 11 | Soundimage.org

Please don't forget about my Ogg music packs. They enable you to download all of my tracks at once for my most popular genres. A huge time-saver.

Ogg Music Packs | Soundimage.org

Enjoy! :)
Greetings Fellow Creatives,

If you find my free music helpful, please consider making a small donation on my website to help support my efforts. I don't allow advertising on the site because I feel it would be distracting to my visitors so I pay for everything myself. Support from the community is literally what makes this possible. Thank you in advance! :)

That said, this week's new free music tracks are:

On my Funny 8 page:
Funny 8 | Soundimage.org

And on my Sci-Fi 12 page:
Sci-Fi 12 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative!
Hi everyone,

As of this past week, the black and pink buttons on my site that take you to my higher-quality Ogg tracks and packs on Gumroad are not displaying properly nor are they working properly. I am working with my web hosting company to resolve the issue. In the meantime, please don’t use them.

You can still download my tracks freely in mp3 format. The links are under the players for each track.

If you need a particular track or pack in Ogg format, please email me and I’ll send you a direct link to it on Gumroad. My email address is on my homepage.

As always, please stay safe and keep creating. :)

The buttons issue on my website has been resolved and everything is working perfectly.

Enjoy! :)

Happy November Everyone!

I can't believe a month has gone by...I've been super-busy creating custom music for clients. Anyone need some custom music created? Give me a shout...my contact information is here:

Custom Music | Soundimage.org

I can work with most budgets. And, as always, my 2500+ tracks on my site are completely free to use with attribution. :)

Greetings Fellow Creatives!

Here's a cool new track for your projects on my Sci-Fi 12 page:

Sci-Fi 12 | Soundimage.org

It's 100% free to use with attribution.

Please don't forget about my Ogg music packs...they enable you download all of my tracks at once in my most popular genres. A huge time-saver.

Need some custom music created? Give me a shout.

In the meantime, enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative! :)

Wishing everyone a joyous and safe holiday! :)
Happy holidays to you as well! Thank you for sharing your music! The other day I uploaded a quick one (mainly for family members to see what the heck we're up to these days...) anyway it has your music. Hope I did the credit proper!
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Happy holidays to you as well! Thank you for sharing your music! The other day I uploaded a quick one (mainly for family members to see what the heck we're up to these days...) anyway it has your music. Hope I did the credit proper!
Wow...cool video! Where was this? And yes, you attributed me perfectly! :)
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This is at my house near Carcross, in Canada's Yukon Territory in November when we get lots of low clouds before some big lakes in the area freeze over.
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This is at my house near Carcross, in Canada's Yukon Territory in November when we get lots of low clouds before some big lakes in the area freeze over.
When the drone emerges from the clouds after its ascent, it's absolutely breathtaking. I'd love to see more videos like that! :)
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Wow...another year coming to an end...it's hard to believe. Even harder to believe...I'm going on my 9th year creating and sharing music with the creative community. A big THANK YOU to everyone who has reached out to me via social media, email and the forums...I hear from someone almost every day...your feedback has been wonderful and I'm so happy that my music has been so helpful!

Here's a cool new track on my Sci-Fi 12 page to finish out 2022:

Sci-Fi 12 | Soundimage.org

Enjoy, stay safe and I'll see you in 2023! :)
Happy New Year Everyone!

To kick off 2023, I have some cool new tracks that might work well under title screens and menus. They are:

On my Fantasy 12 page:

Fantasy 12 | Soundimage.org

And on my Sci-Fi 12 page:

Sci-Fi 12 | Soundimage.org


Since my Ogg music packs are doing so well, I plan to release sound effects packs this year as well. The sounds will most likely be in WAV, Ogg and MP3 format.

If anyone has any suggestions for sound effects, please feel free to share them.

In the meantime, enjoy, stay safe and keep being creative!
New member here and just looked at your site Eric. I added your site to my favs and look forward to using it. I will be sure to credit you. Appreciate you putting this together!
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Reactions: Eric Matyas

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